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Aegon: International Investment reviews

Based on 7 reviews, last reviewed 22nd Nov 2023
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We need Customer Service We need Customer Service more than ever. I feel that the corporations have too many smatarse slick ways of diverting problems away to help reduce thei... Read more Reviewed on: 29th March 2023
Peter Ryde's avatar
Peter Ryde

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Mortgage application I am an expat living in the Netherlands, decided to finally buy my first house after working for 1 yr and 7 months. I have ample amount of savings and... Read more Reviewed on: 22nd November 2023
EUROpiyanongHilaw's avatar

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Aegon International Investment reviews (7)

Mortgage application

I am an expat living in the Netherlands, decided to finally buy my first house after working for 1 yr and 7 months. I have ample amount of savings and no debt which is great for my mortgage application. Finally after waiting for them to deny or provide my mortgage, they DENIED me after almost 1 month of waiting and a lot of follow ups. All my details are provided such as employer statement, bank records, financial records and payslips. It is pure incompetence and neglect customer service is very poor and people don't give a damn about your situation. I highly discourage doing any type of business with this bank and move away from them. Reviewed on: 22nd November 2023

We need Customer Service

We need Customer Service more than ever. I feel that the corporations have too many smatarse slick ways of diverting problems away to help reduce their staff. Reviewed on: 29th March 2023

Excellent service

I had three pension pots with Aegon that have all growen well over the years. When I came to retirement the service and information provided bt the Aegon team was superb. I converted the three pots in to a pension provider of my choice and received as requested the 25% tax free payment without a hitch. Many thanks to the Aegon team. Reviewed on: 12th October 2021

great company

Since I joined Aegon all my investments have grown in value. Their financial adviser moved all my under performing investments into far better performing funds which have given me great returns. Its easy to use their web site to see how my investments are performing. They are a great company and would recommend them as the first and only company you need for your financial affairs. Peter Heckford. Reviewed on: 12th October 2021

Unhelpful lacking integrity

It has been 6 months and I am still no further forward,withdrawing my investment, they tell me that they will ring me back and they do not Reviewed on: 25th April 2021

Aegon feedback

I have felt comfortable with Aegon's handling of my investments over the last few years and confident they will increase in value, Reviewed on: 10th November 2020

Inpersonal ! Faceless ! Too big to care ! So BIG .... So SLOW ! Medeocre performance !

I found myself having to deal with this company when my Independent Financial Advisor (LEBC Leicester) became involved with them. LEBC themselves, continue to be a professional company with time to care, and you can still talk to the same real person. My advisor (Tim Whoreton) continues to go the extra mile for me and my finances, and it is for this reason that I will continue to invest through LEBC. as I know that I can rely on them to be there for me when I mess up. Thanks LEBC. Reviewed on: 22nd January 2019

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