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Chip: Savings App reviews

Based on 18,162 reviews, last reviewed 31st Mar 2025
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Latest highest rating:


Savings. Had no problems from the moment I joined. Reviewed on: 31st March 2025
Michelle McGregor's avatar
Michelle McGregor

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I’m unable to sold my shares this unacceptable I’m unable to sold my shares this unacceptable Reviewed on: 21st March 2025
Saud A's avatar
Saud A

About this product

Chip allows users to connect their current accounts and automatically save a little money every few days.

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Chip Savings App reviews (18162)

Chip is the easiest savings app to use

Chip is so easy to use it saves your money without really noticing it going. And from next year you can earn loads of interest on your money. Better than a normal savings account Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Amazing app

I been using it for nearly a year now and it's an amazing app for saving those extra pennies :) Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

I used to be really appalling at saving until I installed chip to my phone

Well what can I say? my history of trying to save has been little to none existent until I came across chip and in three months I managed to save £300 without even noticing any impact to my bank balance. We all have urges to save for a rainy day and for one reason or another that never happens, well chip looks at your financials intelligently and works out how much you can save notifying you when you are about to make a saving. Of course you can also cancel this action so there is absolutely no commitment, charge etc. to save all the time. Wish this had been around years ago. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Just brilliant!

Since using Chip earlier this year, I’ve been able to save without even noticing it. The app is user friendly & customer service is exceptional. I can only see them going from strength to strength and are certainly the standout winner of this award. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018


Great customer service, and the way they listen and interact with their community is unlike anything I've ever encountered. Super easy to save money and get rates better than almost anywhere else. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Great intelligent App

I’ve used Chip since the outset and love it. It really does help you save money. The interface is friendly, it’s nice to receive some interest in your saving and it genuinely seems to be an intelligent App. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

More than a savings app. More a savings community

Saveing made simple, rewarding and painless Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Never thought I could save as much automatically

I started using Chip on a whim, after some safe reviews from established places, I didn't think i was in a financial position to save anything at all when i started using it, 2 years later I've saved well over 2.5k automatically, and i haven't noticed any difference in my day to day spending...its some kind of saving magic Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Easy to use, even easier to get you in the savings habit

Have saved almost £2k in 12 months, and not really noticed it! Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Fantastic, easy and functional

Chip has allowed me to save thousands over the course of the year. It is a company that cares about its customers and puts them first. In an age where saving can be so challenging for so many, Chip have really got their ideas right. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

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