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About the Student Account

Permanent TSB’s Student Bank Account is designed for students over the age of 18. Account holders can benefit from fee-free everyday spending and access to the PTSB mobile banking app. The Student Bank Account is compatible with Apple Pay and Google Pay™.

Before opening your new account, check customer reviews to be confident that other students are satisfied with it. We collect Permanent TSB Student Bank Account reviews to help you make an informed decision.

Learn more about the account and its features. Read about the features of the mobile app to learn how PTSB helps students manage their finances. Find out how satisfied existing account holders are with the Student Bank Account. Read about experiences with the customer service team to learn how swiftly PTSB resolves customer concerns. All of this and more can be found in our Permanent TSB Student Bank Account reviews.

Write a review on Smart Money People if you’ve ever had the PTSB Student Bank Account. Tell us why you chose this account, and whether it’s your first current account with PTSB. How satisfied have you been so far? What are the main benefits of the account, and are there any aspects that you feel could be improved? If you use the mobile banking app, how useful are the features? Would you recommend the account to other students? Whatever your experience, leave an honest Permanent TSB Student Bank Account review today. Together, we can help people like you make better financial decisions.

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