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Chip: Savings App reviews

Based on 16,477 reviews, last reviewed 21st Mar 2025
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Effortless I joined chip over a year ago, before then I had my money in a traditional bank, there was no or very little interest. I just couldn't believe that my... Read more Reviewed on: 21st March 2025
Raquel M's avatar
Raquel M

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Chip offers me esay access to my savings with a good... Chip offers me esay access to my savings with a good interest rate accrued daily and payed monthly which is perfect for me Reviewed on: 20th March 2025
Ray B's avatar
Ray B

About this product

Chip allows users to connect their current accounts and automatically save a little money every few days.

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Chip Savings App reviews (16477)

Why hasnt anyone done this before

It's great- so good at helping .e save Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

The dogs

Chip is just perfect, ive easily saved money but also brought some family and friends in on the action. You can tell chip is fit for all with its easy to use app. You domt have to do anything but watch your savings grow. Its the dogs. Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Friendly and easy to use

I've been using CHIP for about a year now. The app is intuitive and easy to use with a great savings rate. Staff are friendly and make me feel part of a family Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Simple, easy to use and communicative

I recommended to friends and they love it, always a handy way of grabbing extra cash Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

It made me start saving!

I didn't feel I was able to save, but this app made me save without realising! Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Simple (and funny) sign up process and app.

The way you sign up by typing messages like on a messages app is a nice touch, different that anything else I have seen. The way the app works is slick and engaging. Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Big savings

I've had the app on my phone and not looked at it for 4 months then when I checked it chips had saved me nearly £800 and I did not even realise chips was taking money for my savings as it does it so you don't miss it coming out your bank account. Cheers chips Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Super helpful

Has helped me save double my normal monthly savings. Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Super helpful!

Using chip has doubled my regular monthly savings with no affect on my spending. If anything it has helped me only spend what I need to, not just because I have money left in my account. Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

Simple and surprising

CHIP is so easy to use and the weekly savings mean that before you know it you've saved a considerable amount! The flexibility to save more or less and the lack of fees makes it really easy to recommend. Reviewed on: 13th December 2018

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