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Chip: Savings App reviews

Based on 18,160 reviews, last reviewed 30th Mar 2025
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Latest highest rating:


Just the best app for this market out there. Just the best app for this market out there. I love how easy it is to use and access my money. Investing is also so easy. Reviewed on: 30th March 2025
Christopher L's avatar
Christopher L

Latest lowest rating:


I’m unable to sold my shares this unacceptable I’m unable to sold my shares this unacceptable Reviewed on: 21st March 2025
Saud A's avatar
Saud A

About this product

Chip allows users to connect their current accounts and automatically save a little money every few days.

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Chip Savings App reviews (18160)

Awesome app

Monitors my bank and takes what it thinks I can afford. To be honest I have never really noticed the money going from my account Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Best interest rates around

Chip interest rates beat those of the “big banks”. Chip makes it easier to save (and make!) money. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Revolutionary and Fun

Great app which actually makes saving effortless and fun. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Great saving!

Great savings account - you don't even realise you're saving :) Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Helped me save when I thought I couldn't!

Chip has put away over 2 grand for me that I never would've been able to do on my own, a fantastic company and I recommend it to my friends who don't have it every day! Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Best app ever!

Chip enables me to save as much money as I can reasonably afford and earn higher interest rates the high street banks don’t even come close to. The app is incredibly easy to use, and easy to share too! I’ve been recommending this to everyone I know! Ps my boyfriend now has more savings than he’s ever had in his 28years... bravo chip, you really can work miracles! Thank you Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Like a regular saver without the commitment

Great for putting away excess cash either automatically or manually. Helped me to save for the holiday of a lifetime, with the knowledge that I was getting a good interest rate, but had the ability to access the funds immediately in case of an emergency! Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Chip has helped me get started saving

Having grown up with very little "training" or education when it came to money management putting cash to one side in order to save for something over a long period of time was difficult to do without either putting too much away or not seeing a return because I was saving too little. Chip has helped me change that. By tracking my expenses and automatically transferring funds to a separate account I've now not only got a decent sized rainy day pot but it's taught me how to budget properly with other savings. Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

It just so easy!

it saves the money in amounts you level it at, and it will take away what you dont spend and put it in a little put. leave it running for a few months and it a surprise pot of money! great app, great team really happy to be a part of chip Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

Great app and idea!

Really good experience with this app. Chip helped me save some good money and im looking forward to earning a good interest on ChipX Reviewed on: 14th November 2018

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