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Sainsburys Bank: Nectar Credit Card reviews

Based on 95 reviews, last reviewed 27th Feb 2025
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Sensational 0% balance offer I've had the credit card for a while now, and although the website is *reasonably* easy to deal with, it isn't perfect. The main reason for me reviewi... Read more Reviewed on: 27th February 2025
Darran Hickey's avatar
Darran Hickey

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Broken Online Account Reset & Call Centre! Broken! Cant reset my logon details as the online system rejects my valid details for credit card & loan (via mobile or laptop). Cant use the call c... Read more Reviewed on: 21st November 2024
Har's avatar

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Sainsburys Bank Nectar Credit Card reviews can help you to find out about the pros and cons of the Sainsbury's Nectar credit card. What kind of features do Sainsburys Bank customers like? Find out more about the Sainsburys Bank Sainsbury's Nectar Credit Card by reading our trusted Smart Money People reviews. You can also write your own Sainsburys Bank Sainsbury's Nectar Credit Card reviews to share your own experience with Smart Money People, the UK's leading financial services review site. Together, we can make financial services work better for everyone.

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Sainsburys Bank Nectar Credit Card reviews (95)

A solid credit card.

Sainsbury’s have always ran my MasterCard efficiently and don’t mind sending me a monthly statement. They support open banking. I rang them recently to reinstall my app on a new phone and the chap j spoke to was really pleasant and very well informed. Reviewed on: 1st February 2022

Impossible to contact

Quite literally the most frustrating company to deal with. You cannot speak to a human to discuss an issue that is not on their automated online list. It is appalling customer service and they need to sort it out. Reviewed on: 26th November 2021

It's fair and lucrative!

It's worth being a customer of Sainsburys as their shop prices are fair and one received Nectar points on its value AND for the Nectar card spend! Reviewed on: 3rd September 2021

A great 0% transfer product

Very easy to use website, extremely clear on all statements when my 0% Period ran out. They even emailed me to tell me when my 0% period was about to run out and gave me an idea of how much extra interest I would have to pay if I didn’t clear it. One small gripe is that the email arrived just a few days after the key date - they just need to work on their timings! But really impressed with the clear transparency of their statements and online offering. Reviewed on: 24th March 2021

Good customer service

Helpful and straightforward service Reviewed on: 18th February 2021

Useless non existent customer service.......

Unable to access website in order to settle account. Hours spent trying to get through to customer service. Appallingly unhelpful customer service agents when I eventually did get to speak to someone. Unable to exercise a degree of common sense when faced with something off script.....quite frankly, the second my zero percent offer is up I will DEFINITELY be going else where and never intend on using their services again.....however until that time I'll be making sure I milk every single penny from the zero percent period ;) ...well it's the very least they can do for making me have to deal with such a useless company/staff Reviewed on: 15th January 2021

Purposely misleading - avoid

Sainsbury’s Bank in their online process at the checkout stage present balance transfer and money transfer in an identical way and make them appear interchangeable. There is nothing to indicate that one is on promotion of 0% and the other is 25.95% APR. These options were introduced in this way to deliberately mislead and cause error leading to damage to the consumer and profit gain to the Bank. There is no design or other logical reason to present these in this way at the checkout stage. Despite requests the full user-journey was not shared, only a final screenshoot. Such systemic practices both harm the consumer and are anti-competitive as it gives financial gain to Saunsbury's Bank versus other Banks with ethical design practices. It is classic "Bait & switch" as described by Statement from Jim Brown CEO Sainsbury's Bank: "I understand Matthew has shared a screenshot with you from your application process which explains the difference between a balance transfer and a money transfer. I am satisfied our online application process has been followed correctly and sufficient information has been provided to allow you to make an informed choice." This is totally false statement. Untrustworthy and deceitful organisation. Avoid. Reviewed on: 20th November 2020

Horrified to find they don't automatically transfer refunds from your previous card

I have been left gobsmacked by my discovery last week that if they issue a replacement card for any reason, whether out of date, lost or hacked, they do not automatically transfer any credits that come in to the old number to the new card, although the account remains the same. My card was replaced in May. Due to Covid I had had to cancel a lot of travel plans, some pre-paid, and refunds were due. I knew some were outstanding but presumed it was because of Covid delays. However, with some due last May I decided to check with a couple of places and discovered they had made the refunds, going back to May in some cases. I rang Sainsburys and was told that they did not automatically transfer credits from the former number to the new one, but only did so if instructed to by the customer - and that is not an ongoing instruction for all future credits but an instruction each time any credits might be due in. I was truly horrified. There were credits of about £600 sat there under the old card, which presumably Sainsbury's were taking advantage of, with no notification that they were there. The word fraud came to mind at that stage, I must admit. The person said they would manually transfer the refunds. Several days later the refunds had not appeared on the online account and I still could not believe what I'd told was true, so I called again. They confirmed the transfers had been done and said another refund was now on the old account, did I want it transferred! I will now have to keep phoning to check for late refunds. But they confirmed what I had been told. I really am horrified by this. I cannot find anywhere to send a complaint to them; it all seems to be phone numbers, but I want to put something in writing, hence this review. I checked with NatWest, my main bank and with whom I have my other credit card, to check their policy, and they seemed surprised I was even querying whether any late credits would be transferred! Of course they would be! I noticed on my last Sainsbury's statement there were a few very late payments taken out with 'correction' after them, and realised they were from the previous card. So they had transferred them across! But if someone tries to take a payment from an old card number it is refused so they get in touch with you for a new method. Why then does that not happen with refunds? Why aren't they refused and whoever is making them referred to the customer for an update? I really do feel this verges on illegal and would love to know what more I can do about it. Closing the account is not an option and then I'd lose anything else that came through altogether. I haven't had any problems with them until this and really think they should have a rethink. The policy has been confirmed to me twice by phone and once in a message. Reviewed on: 15th August 2020


Sainsburys are a good bank and the credit card is fine. The website works well and easy to navigate. Unfortunately you can only pay the credit card via phone or bacs which is less than ideal. I think they should set up that facility. Reviewed on: 27th April 2020

It shouldn't take five months...

… to fix the OnLine "Make a Payment" screen. Reviewed on: 23rd November 2019

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