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Triodos Bank: Business Banking reviews

Based on 206 reviews, last reviewed 17th Mar 2025
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Triodos provide a genuinely personal service Triodos have always provided excellent service; focused around a real relationship that seeks to understand our organisation and the value it brings t... Read more Reviewed on: 17th March 2025
KimB's avatar

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It's a very low bar The banking industry is so corrupt and unethical that to come out top is hardly much of a challenge. My experience of Triodos is poor, but no doubt ... Read more Reviewed on: 6th April 2023
John Wood's avatar
John Wood

About this product

Triodos Bank business banking reviews at Smart Money People are helping other business people to fund out what being a business banking customer at Triodos Bank is really like. With business banking and aspects such as access to finance being so important to many business owners, Smart Money People is becoming the UK's leading source of Triodos Bank business banking reviews. Remember that you can write yours too, and join our mission to increase trust and transparency in financial services.

Triodos Bank Business Banking reviews (206)

Review of the Triodos Bank, Business Banking:

Ethics and inspiration

I can rest assure that my money is used in ways aligning with my values and vision for a different more equal world. Reading reports from Triodos regarding businesses they invested with makes me always take a deeper breath of releif. And inspires me. Reviewed on: 4th March 2025

Ethical business account

We run an ethical business and it was exceedingly important to us that our bank account be ethical too. Being very happy personal customers of Triodos, it made sense to open a business account with them too. The process was straightforward and the staff were extremely helpful. We’re very happy that our new account reflects our values, personally and professionally. Account charges are transparent and honest, our money is not used to aid unethical businesses and everything being online gives access whenever we need it. Reviewed on: 14th December 2019

Bank mit ethischem und sozialen Ansatz

Ich bin sehr angetan von der Bank und den Werten. Der Service ist gut. Leider muss man egal an welchem EC-Automaten Gebührn bezahlen und Einzahlungen sind nicht möglich. Das ist als Geschäftsmann etwas schwierig, führt zu einem zweiten Konto, was man führen muss. Es wäre schön, wenn die Triodos dies in Zukunft löst. Reviewed on: 20th November 2018

Feel-good banking - who would have thought!

So you loathe the thought of profit-hunting banks. But you've had some TERRIBLE experiences with off-the-high-street banks - poor customer service, atrocious online banking tools... Give Triodos a chance! They are super friendly and efficient, their online banking is dead straightforward and they invest (and help you to invest) in meaningful and ethical projects. WIN WIN WIN. More to all; less to none. SO happy! Reviewed on: 4th February 2017

No-nonsense banking for socially conscious people

Triodos offers no-frills banking that somehow really works! There are no high-street branches, yet you don't need them: The online banking works really well, and when you need help from a real person, they are very friendly and patient. And then they invest in really GOOD things! Reviewed on: 19th February 2016

Credit Union for the 21st Century

Doing business with Triodos makes me feel good. They are set up like a credit union, but with a broader approach. Even though they don't have bank branches, making contact is very easy and pleasant. But that's not even needed much, as their online banking system is FANTASTIC compared with other not-for-profit type banks I have experienced. Well done! Reviewed on: 12th January 2016

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