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H1 2024 Mortgage Lender Benchmark

Released 12 June 2024

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The Benchmark is the largest piece of independent lender research carried out in the industry using broker feedback, and provides unique and actionable insight into the UK mortgage market.

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The H1 2024 edition, released on 12 June 2024 includes in-depth data and insight from 953 brokers, who we asked to leave feedback for the last five lenders they’ve placed cases with. This means that we received over 4,490 individual pieces of feedback from intermediaries, with coverage across 111 UK lenders.

Key findings

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Overall satisfaction

Overall satisfaction with lenders has increased, up 0.8% to 83.7%

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Net promoter score

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is up 6.5 points on H2 2023 at +38.7. Scores ranged from -83.6 to +84.4 for the lenders in the report

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Building societies

Building societies are once again the top-rated sector for broker satisfaction, having gone up 1% to 85.7%

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Specialist lenders

Specialist lenders have seen the biggest improvement, up 79.6% to 80.4%

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Lifetime lenders

Broker ratings for lifetime lenders are up 1.9%, now at 85.5%

Looking for older Mortgage Lender Benchmark reports?

Broker insight capabilities

We can survey brokers for a specific lender and compare the results with data from our Mortgage Lender Benchmark report, giving you bespoke insights for your part of the industry.

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Purchase your copy now

The Mortgage Lender Benchmark full report for H1 2024 is available to purchase now:

  • Full Mortgage Lender Benchmark report: from £1,500
  • Copy of the lender broker verbatim supplied as a spreadsheet: from £500
  • Technology edition: from £900
  • Copy of technology broker verbatim supplied as a spreadsheet: from £150
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