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Chip: Savings App reviews

Based on 14,682 reviews, last reviewed 28th Feb 2025
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Chip is an easy app to navigate with various options... Chip is an easy app to navigate with various options from savings to investments. If you manage to save £100 or more you are entered automatically int... Read more Reviewed on: 28th February 2025
Catherine 's avatar

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All The Sizzle but Very Little Steak All the fancy marketing and eye-catching headline rates hold little sway when you need some good, old-fashioned customer service, and that's where wit... Read more Reviewed on: 5th December 2024
Grumpy Old Mark's avatar
Grumpy Old Mark

About this product

Chip allows users to connect their current accounts and automatically save a little money every few days.

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Chip Savings App reviews (14682)

Easy to use, seems secure

I was a little off on the idea of it at first two but the security credentials do seem to check out, and I guess the banks wouldn't work with it if it wasn't secure. I'm using it and I quite like it so far. I much prefer having an app to control it, unlike plum who only run it off your messages! Got £15 in there so far after 2 weeks of using it. I've got a code for anyone to sign up and use to get either a £10 bonus or extra 1% interest if anyone's interested in joining; 6FKK6F. Reviewed on: 12th April 2017

Makes saving easy

Chip is an app that makes saving so much easier because it looks at your current account, and uses whizzy algorithms to work out how much you can afford, then transfers small sums here and there into a savings account. Plus, you can earn up to 5% interest, which is an amazing rate right now. #MaxYourMoney Reviewed on: 24th March 2017

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