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Lloyds Bank: Classic Account reviews

Based on 729 reviews, last reviewed 7th Mar 2025
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online account. I have an online account, I feel their security is very good. They always double check on monies I'm sending to make sure it's not a scam and also my ... Read more Reviewed on: 7th March 2025
diane morris's avatar
diane morris

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Lloyd's bank customer service staff are so rude they... Lloyd's bank customer service staff are so rude they do not deal with situations great. Worst bank ever Reviewed on: 4th March 2025
Natanie m's avatar
Natanie m

About this product

The Lloyds Classic Account is fee free for use in the UK, providing your account balance doesn’t go below £0.

The Lloyds Classic Account can be serviced via the app and you can earn up to 15% cashback on spending with selected retailers.

Lloyds Classic Account reviews help you find out what it’s really like to be a customer. If you’ve used Lloyds before, you can also leave a review and share your experience.

Lloyds Bank Classic Account reviews (729)

Review of the Lloyds Bank, Classic Account:

Switch from Lloyds at all costs

Awful app. Awful customer service. Awful everything. Awfiln company. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Reviewed on: 10th July 2019

Lloyds takeover of MBNA

MBNA have been sold to Lloyds Bank hence all the current problems and bad experiences. Lloyds have a reputation for destroying businesses by trying to fix things that are not broken. I have been with MBNA for twenty years roughly and it was a fantastic service. Over all those years not single problem until Lloyds Bank got their destructive hands on the business. All systems were easy to use and payment online took seconds. Customer Service answered with a real person in seconds and dealt with issues very quickly and within five minutes as a rule. Now Lloyds have given MBNA the kiss of death and the entire system is now a shambles. Customer Service is a joke with half interested and poorly trained staff giving all the wrong information and unable to sort out the most simple of things. If they get involved calls are routinely ignored, no call backs, and advice almost always wrong plus hanging on the line has gone from zero to upwards of an hour listening to music and untrained staff passing the parcel all day. Online payment is often impossible and filled with weird messages ranging from thanking you for making a purchase to telling you are paid then immediately telling you the opposite a few seconds later. Messages then sent to mobile phones ( for those that own them ) can take so long that by the time they arrive the payment session has ended and you have to start again from scratch. That is of course if and when the system is functioning. The platform is a mess and cannot be trusted. Payments arrive late and then you have to start an argument with the elusive and badly trained 'Customer Service' staff that is if you have at least an hour of your life to waste getting nowhere. Good luck with that lot. Even signing in to your own account has become a massive chore and has been littered with trip wires that will lock you out of your own account or send you around in circles. The time has come to steer well clear of what was once the very best card service available until clever cloggs Lloyds came along and decided it knew better ! No wonder Lloyds have been bailed out so many times for messing up. Even the most recent public money bail out seems to have slipped through their fingers. They will never learn. Give this card a miss folks and if you are unfortunate to have one then dump it or risk endless problems and frustration with the famously impossible to deal with Lloyds Bank. A serious business run by rank amateurs and school leavers who think they know it all. Reviewed on: 5th May 2019

Refused a bank account even though never been in debt

I went with my husband to open a bank account with Lloyds bank and was turned down for one because they did not like my credit score even though I have never been in debt, have more than £5k in my account and always pay off my credit cards in full every month. What added insult to injury was they opened a bank account for my husband who was bankrupt. Reviewed on: 29th April 2019

Lack of staff

Whenever I go to the bank the queue is always out of the door with only one agent serving. This never used to be a problem just the last 3 years or so Reviewed on: 27th April 2019

Love my bank!

I have been with Lloyds since I left school.. I have tried other banks but always had this as my main account! Have had no problems with them! Reviewed on: 10th February 2019

always trust worthy

ive been with them 32 years and never had a problem Reviewed on: 9th February 2019

Good for a current account

Banked with them for 30yrs with my current account. Never really had any problems. However wouldn't recommend them as a savings account due to the low interest better using a building society Reviewed on: 9th February 2019

Great service

Provide a great service with no problems - just what I want from a bank! Reviewed on: 7th February 2019

Great support with financial difficulties

Gentleman on the phone was incredibly helpful, suggesting lowering fees etc to help me in a time of difficulty. They made an error regarding increasing my loan and they sent me £100 to make up for the difficulties i had whilst waiting for the funds. Very helpful. Reviewed on: 4th February 2019

Good bank

More than 3 years of a good experience Reviewed on: 30th January 2019


Closed my account with no notice. Simplistic, un-advanced mobile and internet banking. Poor in branch service. Reviewed on: 26th January 2019

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