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Royal London: Life Insurance reviews

Based on 39 reviews, last reviewed 16th Jan 2025
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Great experience thus far and excellent customer int... Great experience thus far and excellent customer interface Reviewed on: 25th August 2024
Ilias A. Kazeem Esq.'s avatar
Ilias A. Kazeem Esq.

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This is a disgrace This company is a disgrace and clearly employs internal policies (which they won't share) to hold onto people's money. My father recently past away an... Read more Reviewed on: 16th January 2025
T J's avatar

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At Smart Money People, we collect Royal London Life Insurance reviews from customers like you. If you're thinking of getting Royal London Life Insurance check out our reviews, or if you're an existing Royal London customer - please share your experiences with our community in order to help out others!

Royal London Life Insurance reviews (39)

Review of the Royal London, Life Insurance:

Royal London

I've been with Royal London for year's the customer service team is amazing. The product is amazing value for the features Reviewed on: 22nd August 2023

Fast, efficient and friendly service

Taking out the policy was simple, getting answers to a query was fast and efficient. On top of that the sum insured and cost of the policy are both very competitive Reviewed on: 23rd August 2024

rom this company, my mom paid...

Do not have insurance from this company, my mom paid life insurance for years. When she died I did everything they said online, which took ages, because they kept saying I had to answer questions I already had. Then I rang them to say why hadn't we heard anything, and they said they need more information, but there was nothing new I could tell them. When I rang again complaining they told me they would send a cheque. They haven't. They are a legalised scam company. Would have give 0 stars if I could. Reviewed on: 22nd August 2024

Do not buy critical life insurance from Royal London

I was religiously paying my life insurance and critical life insurance for 3 years when I found out accidentally this year that I have cancer and the cancer cells have already gone outside of its original organ. I feel that Royal London could do everything in their power to delay the claim and they are doing that to me. They took information from my GP and surgeon and wanted more information and sent to wrong address and didn't correct themselves or update my record although they received a call saying that's the wrong email. Also, their call center agents don't have a clue what to respond back as an update and give misinformation again and again. I highly recommend you find out exact information about what they are waiting and from whom and chase yourself. In my case, I discovered that they were giving me false update until I found myself and confronted that they have received all the information they needed. If you raise a complaint, they will tell you that it will be assessed in 4 weeks and 4 weeks after they will inform they are still reviewing and again will come back after 4weeks. That's the start of a vicious cycle! I am contemplating to report to Financial Ombudsman Service if I can't progress any further. Good luck to all of you who have purchased insurance schemes from Royal London! Reviewed on: 3rd July 2024


My dad had a life insurance policy which included terminal illness cover. He was diagnosed with a terminal illness (MND) a year later and RL refused to pay out and caused so much extra stress for my poor dad on top of everything else he had to deal with. I spent so much time on the phone and writing emails and the staff are truly heartless, repeating that because dads death wasn’t confirmed as being ‘imminent’ it didn’t come within THEIR definition of a terminal illness (not the parliamentary definition). We had letters from consultants confirming prognosis and a DS1500 confirming the condition means someone is reasonably expected to pass away within 6 months. Dad had to continue paying the insurance monthly after being palmed off numerous times and they finally accepted the claim after a long drawn out battle (thank god he had me to do this for him). My dad sadly had passed away around a month later. Reviewed on: 31st May 2024

Delay all claims must be company policy!

Started a claim for total disability insurance in July 2023 for my wife and Royal London have done everything they can to delay. We offered them an independent medical exam at the start but they requested medical reports from our GP then they asked for more then more a third time as they tried to show that we lied on the application form which we didn't and all the evidence they've now had shows that we didn't. They now want a medical examination which is delaying our claim even further. I don't understand why they didn't do this at the beginning as I offered it to them? Why wait till the end? My wife has ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia all are noted by the world health organisation as incurable, she can only walk very slowly with the aid of a walking stick, struggles to lift a kettle of water. Lost her job due to her illness. She has various aids now fitted around the house to help her yet Royal London say that she may get better so this may not be permanent?? What the world health organisation are wrong? We are now in mortgage arrears and worried that we'll lose our home and despite this I've asked numerous times how much longer this going to take for a simple decision yet can't get a straight answer. It's like talking to a politician. Wish I could rate no stars. Was told when I took this out that should something happen this will provide peace of mind and help us in our time of need as it'll be easy to claim? Something has happened and this has been the most stressful thing ever! Reviewed on: 13th March 2024

Do not use-No care following bereavement

Gavin, in reply to your message below, have previously emailed your customer service team and also submitted a complaint - NO REPLY FROM ANY Still waiting on phone calls from both claims team, customer service team and bereavement manager, as promised by your staff yesterday and today but received nothing. Completed online bereavement form and uploaded death certificate Informed by email on 8th January 2024 that claims team would contact me within 14 days 30th January rang 0345 number for Royal London bereavement team, assured that the claims team would phone me same day, no call received. Open a complaint no reference received. 31st January ang 0345 number for Royal London bereavement team half an hour on hold before speaking to an advisor, then placed on hold again for a manager. After nearly an hour on the phone no further on as No Manager and the advisor not high enough on team to deal with claim on update. This is disgusting and Royal London should be ashamed. Date of experience: 30 January 2024 Edit Reply from Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited 15 minutes ago Hi, Firstly, we are very sorry that you have had to raise any concerns about the service and care you have had from Royal London when you are dealing with a bereavement. Please accept our sincere condolences for your loss. Please may we kindly ask that you email [email protected] with your details and contact information so that we can identify you and the claim you are sadly having to make, and we will then ensure that a Customer Relations Consultant contacts you as soon as possible to ensure the claim is finalised and address the poor level of service you have experienced. Many thanks, Gavin Reviewed on: 31st January 2024

Life insurance claim

My mum took out this policy to pay for her funeral and after more than 2 months, I still have no payment. Very stressful time not made any easier by RL asking for paperwork to be countersigned which I provided, I understand they need to be sure who they are paying. Then asked for more papers 3 weeks later not previously asked for. It seems like left hand doesn´t know what the right is doing. I have read the reviews and the 5 star ones are for ongoing policies. Just wait until you need to claim!!! It´s almost as is RL don´t have the funds to pay out! Reviewed on: 6th November 2023


I have had Terminal illness cover with RL. I was diagnosed with Motor neuron disease n Feb 2023. MND is a terminal illness for which there is no cure. A third die within a year and half within two years. Royal London said I needed "proof" I would die within a year from my neurologist. She sent a letter saying this was likely. This letter is not good enough. I could walk in February 2023. I am now in powerchair full time, cannot use my dominant left hand and my speech is going. Whe more do i need to show ? Reviewed on: 20th October 2023

Not very rosy

I wish I knew a lot about what I was getting into, but I was in a rush and now am being hounded every now and then for my sugar blood reading yet the final benefit is not that rosy at, not sure it can cover funeral and leave enough for my kids to wash away their tears… Reviewed on: 23rd August 2023

ISA transfer delayed

I took out a fixed rate ISA with Leeds Building Society and placed an initial deposit, also requesting to transfer funds from RL .... Two and a half months later this has still not been actioned, RL say probably request sent to wrong address.. no LBS confirmed it was sent to the correct address, RL are just holding on to my dwindling investment, which is very bad and unlawful practice. Reviewed on: 21st June 2023

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